Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I sometimes get fed up with shit. I honestly try to be a calm, level headed human being but at times I fail in this category. I would like to be one of those people that is all happy all the time, farting butterflies and leaving a trail of sparkle everywhere I go but I am not.
Secretly I actually hate my spouse, at times. Why? I don't know why. I think it is because that is how life works. Sometimes he chews to loud. Yes I said it...too loud. I sit and try to ignore it but after I have noticed it I can't just turn it off. Listening to him rumble through the container, like a little kid looking for a prize in a cereal box, then chomping away, smacking his lips, while yet another football game plays on the t.v. because that is what a wife wants to listen to all day every single Sunday of her married life. 
I look at him thinking about secretly jamming that remote up his ass as he flips from one channel to the next.... pretending to be in love with me.... when we both know that too many days together during the holidays has caused us to consider a nice stint on the show snapped. 
Could I get away with murder? I don't think so but once in awhile spouses think about that. You don't have to be fighting to have a day where you hate each other. 
It's not real hate, it's that temporary insanity kind of hate. Where you have looked at each other for too many days and the other person is kinda dumb and ugly today. 
It's the same kind of hate that show's up during long rides in a car. Where the conversation is gone because your both too tired to talk anymore and you drift off into lala land dreaming of getting out of the car before you have to listen to one more stupid song they have picked on that stupid radio station.
It's the newborn baby hate. Not for the baby but at this spouse that can't seem to ever hear a baby crying, smell a shitty diaper, or recognize when a bottle needs to be made.
Moving day hate is even worse. Those days can cause anyone to go over the deep end. I can't even look at my spouse during a move. Boxes stacked to ceiling  you can't find anything even if boxes are labeled because the spouse has piled boxes upon boxes on top of each other and doesn't care if all the boxes in the kitchen are marked garage. All you really want is that box with the knifes in it.... luckily it is no where to be found.
One of the worse fight's I ever had with my husband was over gas for the lawn mower. Yes...I almost considered jumping from a moving car just so I didn't have to listen to my husband say anymore about the lawn mower gas. I would of rather died then endured on more minute of that bullshit. What was with the lawn mower gas? I don't know. I can't remember now but it was the biggest thing's going on that day and it  almost pushed a woman to suicide. 
Bedtime arguments suck also. I hate those because both people are defiantly tired since they both went to bed but one sentence can cause an argument from hell that drones on and on. Sometimes no one can even remember why they are arguing it has gone on so long. Then there is the old "Don't go to bed mad" bullshit statement. Screw you because sometimes I am mad and I don't care if it's bed time. Bedtime can kiss my mad ass.
Scott and I argue about grilling. He some how has become a master chef of grilling. He does it right and I don't which I find amazing because I grilled for about 20 years before he came into our lives and we all survived it but now it is all wrong. Blah blah blah...yadda yadda yadda.. Whatever. I figure the grill can end up in the same place I wanted the remote to be earlier. 
The thankful thing about the temporary hate is that it goes away with a little time apart, or a kind word, a soft touch or whatever else melts your heart. I also know that I am not the only crazy biatch that feels this way. We all feel it from time to time and that's what makes the loving, getting along time so much nicer because you appreciate each other and the fact that you don't have to dig a remote out of your husband's ass to watch t.v. 

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