Thursday, June 4, 2009

MY cat "Cat"

OK, for many people that know me I am not a big animal person. I used to be as a kid but after the kids came and clogged up my every breath with all their kid stuff I found that animals came in at a 63rd or so place on my list of who gives a shit stuff.
So last year one of our outside cats that is suppose to mouse our farm ,not go get laid every chance she can get..goes and gets knocked up. The batch of kittens came in November on a cold ass day. Out of the 4 two were so cute ya just loved them, well if you love animals, anyway about 6 weeks later my husband ran over one of the two cute ones and smashed it like a pancake. I than had a moment of weakness and decided to bring the other one in before it met the same fate.
She was a typical kitten. Fun , happy and played alot.
Now she is a cat........and I have decided ...a cat with an eating disorder. She is cat form. She will sit and stare at her bowl if there isn't at LEAST 1/3 cup of food in it. Willing it with her mind to fill itself.
She will Meow @ you until you want to boot her fatbutt across the room. Her problem has become our problem since she is getting fat from begging for food. Not just chunky.....Carney Wilson before bypass fat. So I started to tell everyone to cut back and let her slim down. No dice....she has figured out the system of food and unless we all wear hearing protection she still gets fed. I have went from neutral feelings about the cat to a pure hatred for this poor, fat, sad thing.
In fact I booted her out in the cold last winter just to have a moments peace and quiet....well until her fan club expressed her certain death with no claws in the front and no hunting skills. I figure the other cats will kill her before anything else can get to her just because 5 or so minutes into her life term out in the yard she would begin her "feed me" meow and they would all look at her like you have got to be kidding.
Majority of our outside cats look like cat pieces of paper with fur. We feed them but they are busy and can't keep a pound on their while tubby explains how hungry she is ...they would all be planning her demise figuring she would snarf all their food first chance she got.
I pondered her problem and after listening to the kids decided to let her back while I am typing she is doing her "I haven't been fed in 5 minutes meow" I am debating on buying larger chunkier cat food so her fate might end up the same as Cass Elliot......from the band the mama's and the papa's. Old joke was she choked on a burger but actually she died of a heart attack. Whatever.....How many lives does an over weight cat have?

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