Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I am cheap. I admit it. In this time of our economy being in the dumpster I finally fit in. I am not the outcast I once was because I don't keep up with the Jone's down the street. That being said yesterday my sister was admitted into the hospital. She is pretty sick with a bowel obstruction so I ran up to see her and stopped off at Walmart on the way.
I hate walmart. I love their prices but the over all store just overwhelms me. Too many people, to much stuff, too hard to find stuff when your in a hurry, but I am cheap so there I am.
I am curious if every cart Walmart owns is broken or just the ones I get? I enter the store and grab my cart. Walmart has a bumpy tile floor in the entrance of my store to disguise the fact that the cart is a hunk of crap and should of been sent to the homeless years ago.
I take off with my cart only to find that it has a square wheel when I hit the nice, flat, shiny floor where all the shopping must be done. Clang, clang, clang, the square wheel screams as I chug through the store. Yelling to every passerby," Hi I am a hunk of shit!" My mind says just pretend you don't notice your cart has a square wheel. This of course doesn't work since every person is looking at me and my cart as I clunk by.
Some people look at me like I have done something wrong. Like maybe I should stop and change the wheel with my spare that is hidden in the trunk of my cart. I am amazed at the looks I get as I clunk through the store. Is this their first time shopping at wally world?
I must admit that this cart is different than the one normally reserved for me. I usually get the one with the stray wheel. You know that cart. It has three wheels on the ground and the stray that is driving all over but accomplishing nothing. I hate that cart also because it always wants to turn left so by the time I check out my right arm is tired from pulling it to the right all the way through the store. I sometimes buy a bag of dog food to weigh down that end of the cart so I don't have to over steer all day. This over time wasn't very cost effective until I got my dog. Welcome Max! You can thank walmart and their shitty carts for you getting a new home.
I also love the cart with the short chain underneath. The chain is to help prevent the cart from building static electricity so it doesn't zap you as you drive through the store. I have had a few with a short chain and ended up with a twitch by the time I hit the check out line.
I sometimes get so frustrated with my cart and I leave it next to someone Else's cart and take there's. I feel bad for them since they have a nice cart but you snooze you lose at wally world. If you wander from your cart and don't have anything in it, it is considered abandoned and thus can become the property of anyone walking by. Must be awful to have a nice ride only to walk back over to the junk yard cart in a matter of minutes.
I decided to buy my sister a couple of 5 dollar bouquets of flowers yesterday and make her an arrangement. I came to this conclusion as I stood looking at the assortment of nice flowers. This means I also have to buy a vase which of coarse is across the store. I clunk across the store for a vase. I clunk back to the flowers. I realize back at the flowers that I need a small scissors to trim the ends of the flowers before I put them in the vase of water or I might as well leave them in the rubber band wrapped arrangement because they would be dead within hours. I clunk across the store for a scissors. I clunk back to the flowers. I pick them out and clunk over to get a get well card. By the time I was done clunking I was re-thinking my money saving ways. I was clunked out. The money I had saved from not having to go to the florist was probably 35 dollars but the time and energy it took me to clunk around made me think that sometimes the easier route is just that the easier route. So Walmart unless you want me to start going to the florist I highly suggest you do a little work on my ride before my next visit. Note to the person who keeps throwing the small rocks on the floor that cause my cart to come to a screaming halt in front of everyone : I know who you are.

1 comment:

  1. LOLOLOLOL I love it. Our Wal*mart finally filled the gigantic pot hole caverns and repaved the parking lot. You could lose a whole cart or small car in them.
